Tag Archive for: fire pit

TALGA July 2018 eNews

The 2018 Lavender Journal is being posted out to members now – A big thank you to the Area Liaison Representatives for following up with their respective State or Region members for articles and advertising for the Journal and for those members getting back to their ALR with information.
Note that there was no Enews for June as we were preparing the Journal for publication. Lavender Club Members may purchase a copy of the Journal from the Secretary, Fiona Glover for $15 each including pack/post. E: secretary@talga.com.au


Mondays are working on the land days for T and myself. The seasons dictate our activities and one of mine, which I look forward to every year, is the big burn-up.
Up until last year the Council imposed so many restrictions on burning, it was difficult to find a suitable bon fire day, and I got caught out when the heat arrived early and fire-bans came into force, with half the wood pile still to be burnt. These days common sense prevails, and as long and you observe guidelines and timeframes, burning is a lot easier.

McLaren Vale Lavender NewsLast Monday was one of those clear, sunny winter days. Still, albeit very chilly, perfect for my burn- up. In the paddock down the road the vines had been taken out and several fires were already alight. The smell of smoke in the air; pleasant, easy, gentle smoke, not the fearful, threatening smell of January smoke.

“Off you go then said T, do you need a hand getting it started?” He says this knowing I’vehad a lot of trouble getting them going in thepast. “No, I‘ll be right” say I, as I head offdown the track to my special burning space, safely away from everything. I was looking forward to the morning on my own, quietly feeding the fire and watching the flames rise and abate. For me it’s cathartic, something peaceful and relaxing. Apparently it’s been scientifically proven that watching a slow burning fire has the ability to lower blood pressure.

It’s easy lighting a fire right? Well not for me, arsonist I shall never be. I’ve come to realise you needpreparation, discipline and patience to light the right sort of bon-fire. In my shed I keep a supply of diesel, McLaren Vale Lavender Newsspecial long matches that T found for me, and newspaper. I find newspaper hard to come bythese days because I used to buy a paper daily, then just weekends and now it’s electronic news.

Consequently I found myself eyeing off UncleJim’s racing paper the other day. “Are you going to throw that out Jim?” Say I.Fortunately I had some old lavender bushes to burn and I used these to start the fire with the help of a liberal splash of diesel, then some nice dry kindling, and off she goes.

During the amble from the woodpile to the fire the sun was glinting through the coppery- ginger tassels of the casuarinas on the other side of the track, and the birds were twittering away. Perfect, all is well in the world.
Kind regards
Christine Hitchin


Below is a link to Flow FM where you will find a recording of an interview with Fiona Glover talking

about the Australian Lavender Industry. It makes great listening. Well done Fiona.

https://soundcloud.com/user-900670986/fiona-glover-talga or go to Talga facebook site and follow the link on post dated 19th July, Oils Essential to the Australian Market, scroll down to Flow FM Australia-Fiona-Glover-TALGA


ACS Distance Education have just released a new short course in Plant Taxonomy. Written by John Mason, ACS Principal and a number of ACS academics, including Timothy Walker, former lecturer at Oxford and former Director at Oxford Botanic Gardens and Marie Beerman, who holds a Bachelor and Masters of Science (Horticulture).

Plant Taxonomy is the scientific identification of plants. It will help you make more sense of plant names and characteristics.

Anyone who works with plants should understand how critical it is to have an understanding of plant taxonomy and plant identification. Those who work in the horticultural, environmental or agricultural sectors, should be able to identify parts of a plant or have the ability to place plants into higher level scientific classifications such as a family or class. Taxonomy trains people to observe the finer details that separate one plant cultivar from another. It provides a framework that makes the process of identifying plants systematic.

This course will help you identify a plant faster and with greater accuracy than would otherwise be possible.

Studying plant taxonomy has been sidelined, undervalued and neglected in horticulture, agriculture,botany and science courses. “My colleagues have been complaining for decades about these topics being neglected in many horticulture and agriculture courses. In the past they were standard in most certificates, diplomas and degrees, but no longer. This is knowledge that could be lost to theindustry if new entrants do not make an effort to learn it” John Mason, Principal ACS Distance Education.

Without this level or taxonomic knowledge, you risk miss-identifying plants. That can mean growing a less productive species, or even worse – growing a plant with higher levels of toxins or even a prohibited invasive species – and being completely unaware of it.

As this short course can be studied in your own time, at you own pace, it is a great addition to your professional development and can be completed in a couple of days, we say you can complete the course in 20 hours.

It covers 4 lessons:
Lesson 1 INTRODUCTION – The Why and How of Plant Names Lesson 2 NAMING THE BITS – Plant Anatomy
Lesson 4 PLANT FAMILIES – The Family Life of Plants

If you would like to see more of the course to review, please get in touch and we will arrange a copy of the study guide for you.
Learn more about this short course on our online bookshop:https://www.acsbookshop.com/product-plant-taxonomy-6034.aspx

Sarah Redman
ACS Distance Education E: sarah@acs.edu.au Ph: +61 7 5562 1088


Mark 27-31 March 2019 in your diaries for the return of the 24th Melbourne International Flower & Garden show which returns to the Royal Exhibition Building & beautiful Carlton Gardens. Expect fabulous Show Gardens from the across the globe, stunning Floral Displays, Extensive Retail Program, Guest Speakers, Educational Program, Live Entertainment & so much more.

Install a fire pit for your gardenInstall a fire pit in your garden – and watch people flock to the flame.
It will become the heart of your garden, a place to enjoy a glass of mulled wine with friends, roast marshmallows with the kids or boil the billy and have a campfire cuppa.
Creating a fire pit area is also a great way to extend the hours that you spend in your garden and make the most of your garden all year round.

Here’s to some smoking hot fire pit parties!